August 10, 2006 Advisory Board

HOST Advisory Board Meeting

August 10, 2006

Kim Beasley                                                              CMDR Kathy Moore

Joe Almony                                                                John Regan

Kimo Corstorphine                                                   Randy Swindell

Scott Osborn                                                             Michael MacDonald

George Butler                                                             Brad Rimell                                       

Chris Woolaway                                                        Rich Demuth

LT Quincey Adams                                                    Ken Kujala

Bill Davis                                                                   

AGENDA ITEM #1    Call to Order

Brad announced that Robin is out of town and he will be acting Chairman.  Brad called the meeting to order.   A quorum was present.

AGENDA ITEM #2      Approval of the Minutes of last meeting.

LTJG Quincey Adams pointed out that she attended the meeting but was not on the list.  With that change the Minutes from the last meeting were approved by consensus.

AGENDA ITEM #3    Treasurer’s Report

Chris Woolaway reported that we currently have $1,935.10. 

AGENDA ITEM #4    Next Membership Meeting Topics

•           Hurricane Season is upon us.   The Dispersion Plan references an Annual Hurricane briefing to be held at annually to help prepare the Port for hurricanes.    CMDR Kathy Moore said that they will be ready to make a presentation.  The new Dispersion Plan,   Communication and Notification Issues as well as Company responsibilities will be discussed.

AGENDA ITEM #5    Pending HOST Safety Issues

            •           Safety at Sea Seminar  –  This committee is currently on hold pending repopulation of the committee.

•           SOP 7-98 Multiple Cruise Ships visiting Offshore Port Anchorages – Kim reported that we will hopefully be holding a subcommittee meeting on this SOP revision in two weeks time.    That product will be brought to this committee for consideration.

•           SOP 10-98 (Draft) Vessel Dispersion Plan  –   The USCG has completed a draft and Robin has sent it out by e-mail.    Please take a look at it.   The HOST role is prior to every Hurricane Season we will be holding an informational session to bring awareness to the Maritime Community that “the season is upon us”.

•           Tug Assist SOP for the neighbor islands.    There is a meeting today to talk about new State rules.    Those rules are at the Attorney General’s office for review.    At this time we can’t discuss it any further.

•           Shore Entry Safety Subcommittee  –  Robin was not here and will report on this initiative later.

AGENDA ITEM #6    Old Business

•           The parking situation at the Hawaii Yacht Club has a partial solution but we are still trying to work out a better solution.  Unfortunately we were working with Richard Rice and he has left DLNR.   We will have to revisit this.

•           NOAA has just completed a derelict net removal effort focused on the windward side of the island.   They collected about 20 tons of nets.   There have been reports of several vessels getting tangled in floating nets.    One vessel had about $100,000 damage.

AGENDA ITEM #7  New Business

•           Brad mentioned that we will be having a new Board Member to replace Brian Siperly of Chevron.  

•           “Get the Drift and Bag It” will be held on the 16th of September.   There will be a focus on “Slipper” Island just outside of the Keehi Small Boat Harbor .   Organizations like the Clean Islands Council and P&R Water Taxi have helped in the passed.

•           Brad brought up an issue that was brought to him about barges parking in the Kapalama Channel causing restricted passage for larger vessels.  

AGENDA ITEM #8   USCG Concerns

•           CMDR Kathy Moore reported that we had a snorkeling death that may well be due to natural causes.   There is a HOST SOP that may need to be reviewed.

•           HOST SOP 1-97 “Vessel Maintenance & Repair at Anchor” related to “Dead Ship”.    That SOP does not discuss different risks as related to different types of ships.   Different ships pose different risks.    Lt. Johnson will be the USCG Point of Contact.    Looking to add to the decision making matrix to include ship types and size.  Brad said that we can put together a subcommittee to review that SOP.    We don’t want to create an environment that prohibits ships from coming here for repairs but we do need to know the risks associated by granting a request for moorage.

•           Lt. Quincey Adams handed out the new USCG pamphlets on the Port Security Zones.    They will be going out with a campaign to spread the word.    They will be distributed throughout the State and also placed on the website.

•           Quincey will now be working on the boater safety pamphlets.  These are focused on local recreational fisherman.   We need to find funding for printing. 

AGENDA ITEM #9    –   State of Hawaii Concerns  ( DOT Harbors and DLNR)

•           No issues at this time.

AGENDA ITEM #10  –  Coast Guard Auxiliary Issues

•           John Regan reported that the Auxiliary had no issues at this time.

AGENDA ITEM #11  –  Announcements:

Tuesday morning at 09:00 , Pier 21,  Tuesday 15th, the Tug Hokuloa will be receiving an award for a rescue at sea.    A small fishing boat off of Oahu overturned.    The tug threw them a lift ring and vectored in a rescue vessel.   Glenn Hong will be presenting the award.

Brad asked if there were any further comments.   Hearing none he adjourned the meeting.


Executive Board Meeting:

            September 14th,   3:00 pm ,   Hawaii Yacht Club located in the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor .

General Membership Meeting:

August 24th,  2:00 pm ,  Honolulu Community College Maritime Training Center .

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