April 6, 2006 Advisory Board

HOST Advisory Board Meeting

April 6, 2006

Tom Heberle                                                              LCDR Rick Raksnis

Brad Rimell                                                                Bob Heidrich

Kimo Corstorphine                                                   Chris Woolaway                               

Robin Bond                                                                John Regan              

Richard Rice                                                              Rich Demuth

1.  Introductions:  Tom Heberle announced that Mr. Rich Demuth will be taking his place as the Advisory Board Member representing the Harbor Pilots.

2.  Approval of board meeting minutes were held because there was no quorum.

3.  Treasurer’s Report:  Cash in account $1,692.47

The Navy is working on their presentation on “environmental controls at sea” for the General Meeting. 

The Cape Flattery and Casitas reports will be on PowerPoint.

The Heavy Weather Plan and the Other USCG Plans will be updated by Todd Offutt.

Jeff Walters from the State will present the information on the 2006 Whale season.

Richard Rice said that on the 20th it will be too late for input to the Legislature; however he said that four money bills had the funds taken out and were moving forward.

5.  Pending HOST issues:

            A.  Safety at Sea – Rick Shema hasn’t been contacted for future safety seminars, and HOST did not get the grant for the outreach materials.

            B.  SOP 7-98 Multiple Cruise Vessel Visiting Offshore Ports –  Kim, Robin and Brad made the trip to Kona and met with Nancy Murphy but were unable to have Hal Silva join them.    The weather was moderate and the tenders really bounced around getting passengers on and off. Security issues were observed and possible solutions discussed.   Kim is writing up a report and has sent pictures of security issues to Nancy . Nancy indicated that she has very little communication control of the tendering operation on the shore side and depends on tender operators for monitoring themselves.  Kim provided Nancy a VHF radio to help with communications.

Richard said that DBOR is going to do a reassessment.  The Capt. of the Port has strong opinions of what needs to be done and Richard wants to have those opinions incorporated.  Brad said that HOST can help but will need more direction.  Under the issues of safety there are a lot of potential opportunities to make things better. 

Kim is to list the recommendations for safety. The recommendations for security will be in a separate report.

C.  Tug Assist in Neighbor Islands – Tom Heberle reported that the harbor pilots have begun a logging system for close calls on the neighbor island ports.  This is edited with the name of the ship and pilot taken off.  He wondered if the cruise ships have a close call report.  Hopefully, the State’s new proposed regulations will eliminate the need for a HOST SOP. 

DOT did follow the pilots’ recommendations closely and even exceeded in some areas but this will be negotiated with other users.

6.  Old Business:

            Friday night sailboat races are not going to use the Ala Wai turning basin for the start of their races at this point.       

7. New Business:

            Ed Enos suggestion for linking the HOST website on the Waikiki YC website was approved.

8. USCG: Capt. Brown is out of town.  The USCG is still doing the needed medical evacuation flights.

9.  State:  Richard Rice briefed on Legislative bills that are moving through the legislature.

            SB 2360 – Vessel grounding

            SB 2150 – GET Tax

            HB 2399 – Ferry Bill for Maui

            SB 2527 – Waianae baseline study in lieu of ORMA update

            SB 2574 – 2 year inspections. This still needs to be heard

10.  USCG Aux.:  The shore entry safety issue was brought up to the Auxiliary and everyone was supportive to incorporate this safety issue             into their ongoing safety program.

12.  The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm .

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