January 14, 2010 Advisory Board

Hawaii Ocean Safety Team

Advisory Board Meeting

January 14, 2010

Oy Branum                                                                Kim Beasley                         

Robin Bond                                                              Naomi Wasano                               

MST2 Roys                                                               Chris Woolaway

Neil Kanemoto                                                         Capt. Terry Rice Retired

Ed Lott                                                                        Randy Swindell

LCDR Jeffrey Taylor

AGENDA ITEM #1    Call to Order

 Robin called the meeting to order.   A quorum was present.

AGENDA ITEM #2     Approval of the Minutes of last meeting.

Minutes for the last two meetings were approved.

AGENDA ITEM #3    Treasurer’s Report

Chris Woolaway reported that our current funds total $2,865.28.     Recent expenditures include food costs for the Christmas Party.    Also $50.00 was paid to the Yacht Club.   We still owe about $100 for the party.  There have been no expenditures this month.

AGENDA ITEM #4    General Membership Meeting critique

Everyone agreed the Christmas Party/Meeting was a success.    Everyone            received at least two door prizes. The food was great. Robin thanked everyone who joined in the fun and those who contributed funds, food or prizes.

AGENDA ITEM #5    HOST General Meeting Topics

            •           Marcella Granquist will talk about the USCG Port Assessment Program.

•           Robin will talk about the diving SOP.   This will be presented for general membership approval.   The purpose of this two page brochure is to remind divers of safe diving practices.   It is intended to be distributed at dive shops, Military, State Harbors offices, may be even the Ocean Expo.

            •           The Whale Sanctuary people would like to talk about recent incidents including entanglements, and the opening of whale season.

AGENDA ITEM #6   New Business  

•           Neil Kanemoto pointed out that DOCAR is voicing concern over attempts to enforce the obscure regulations that require divers to fly an “Alpha” flag in lieu of the standard diver down red flag.   This is introducing a lot of confusion in the diving community.   Robin and Neil will start a subcommittee to review this to see if we can eliminate some of this confusion.

•           Hawaii Fishing & Seafood Festival  –  Future events?    Robin reported that we (HOST) signed up for a booth at last year’s festival but ultimately couldn’t  find anyone to man the booth.   We need to not “cry wolf” on these events.    We either need to be more selective in choosing events or be more supportive when we do sign up.

•           HOST Meeting dates have been posted on the Web site.   Robin moved the approval of those dates following the same general formula as previous years.    Hearing no objections the meeting schedule is approved.

•           The Ocean Expo has called asking if we will be having a table at the Expo this year.    Coincidentally, the owners of “Hawaii Goes Fishing” on channel 16 offered to pass out HOST brochures.   If it looks like that will work to mutual benefit we’ll explore that option.

•           A witness to recent double ship arrivals at Kailua Kona seemed to report her concern about the chaos of the tender vessels.   Discussion followed regarding our efforts to pass a SOP similar to the one at Lahaina.   This effort stalled when the State DLNR office resisted the effort.   It may be time to revisit the port during a double ship day.


•           Flare Disposal    Chris Woolaway reported that we may be making                           progress on this topic.   It may be that H-Power can  burn them if it                               is done in a controlled manner i.e. not included in the normal waste                            stream.

•           Falls of Clyde   There have been people jumping into the water from Hooters and Gordon Biersch and then not being able to get out of the water.   Maybe signs should be posted to inform people that this is a security zone.   Discussion followed

AGENDA ITEM #8   USCG Concerns

•           MST2 Roys  –  Nothing at this time.

AGENDA ITEM #9   –   State of Hawaii Concerns  (DOT Harbors and DLNR)

•           Nothing at this time. The state was not in attendance.

AGENDA ITEM #10  –  Coast Guard Auxiliary Issues

•           Ed Lott said the State is going to come out with mandatory boater education.   This will not be called a “license” but it is the same type of course.   This will be phased in over several years.

•           The vessel safety check decals ran into a printing glitch and will be a month late.   This may affect some military people that need the decal to moor their boats.    


            •           The Fishing and Seafood Festival will be held on October 9th, 2010.

                        This is held at Pier 38.


Executive Board Meeting:

            February 11th,   3:00 pm,   Hawaii Yacht Club located in the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor.

General Membership Meeting:

February 18th,  2:00 pm,  Honolulu Community College Maritime Training Center.

ADJOURN 1630 (4:30 pm)

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