Hawaii Ocean Safety Team

Advisory Board Meeting


Attendees: Robin Bond, Kim Beasley, Jeff Brennan, Bob Heidrich, Brad Rimell, Bob Heberle, Susan Harper, Clint Jamile, Julia Morgan, Bill Mossman, Arlen Walsten, Jim McClelland

Call To Order and Approval of the Minutes

Chairman Robin Bond opened the meeting.    A quorum was present and the minutes were reviewed for approval.  Bill Mossman pointed out that the portions related to US Boat were inaccurate.  After some discussion it was decided to just drop that portion, as the accurate story would require extensive explanation.

With this change the minutes were approved.

AGENDA Item #3  –  Treasurer’s Report

Chris Woolaway was absent so Robin reported on the latest information regarding our IRS submittal.  The good news is that the IRS has received our slightly modified and resubmitted application.  It appears that this will meet with success.

The current bank balance is $1,690.98.

AGENDA Item #4  –   Board Member Replacement

Robin reported that Roy Yee has requested that he be replaced by Louie Alday as the Board Member representing Ocean Recreation.  Mr. Alday would become the alternate and current alternate member Mr. Arlen Walsten would become the primary member.     Robin asked if anyone had any problems with this move.   Hearing none the appointments were approved by consensus.

AGENDA Item #5  –   HOST Meeting Dates

As discussed at the last meeting Robin has proposed to change the order of the meeting dates such that the General Membership Meeting and the Advisory Board Meeting are reversed, that is, that the General Membership Meeting will follow the Advisory Board Meeting.   Robin distributed a schedule for the meetings for the rest of the year.    As we had no quorum last meeting he asked for approval.   The schedule changes were approved.

Robin also asked for discussion on whether we should consider moving our General Membership Meetings back to Club 14.    The current Community Collage Marine Training facility lacks a bar and some people have speculated that this may be hurting our attendance.    After some discussion it was decided that we would ask the USCG if they anticipate any relaxation or changes in the base security posture.    Robin will check on this.

AGENDA Item #6  –   Christmas Party

Robin reminded everyone that the HOST Christmas Party will be held on Thursday December 19th between 6:00 and 9:00 pm on the main (downstairs) floor of the Hawaii Yacht Club.   Robin asked Kim if he could make up an invitation letter.

AGENDA Item #7  –   Harbor Festival Critique – Letter regarding Helium Balloons

Robin reported that the Harbor Festival booth was successfully manned and the effort was an overall success.   Tesoro provided brochures.   Robin felt as though there were less people attending this year.   Also, next year we need to make a better effort to get more people to help with the manning effort as some people got stuck for very long periods.   The location of the booth was excellent.

Robin reported that he received an e-mail from a Mr. Tom Aki complaining about the fact that some booths were handing out helium filled balloons.   Children will occasionally lose these and they are a known threat to wildlife at sea.   Mr. Aki asked if we could write a letter to the organizers of the Harbor Festival asking that this practice be stopped.   Robin asked for Board approval to write the letter and approval was granted by consensus.

AGENDA Item  #8  –  Pending HOST Issues

·          DBOR Boating Safety Education Program

            Robin reported that he has been in contact with DBOR and they would like to work with HOST on developing a bi-annual Newsletter of sorts that would be mailed out to registered boaters.    HOST would work with them to develop the topics and they would produce it.   It wasn’t clear yet how this would be paid for.    Discussion followed that this would be a great program but it would require a time investment and the funding would have to be worked out.

·            Security Zone Information Effort

Kim passed around a draft poster with the security zones displayed.  Discussion followed as to whether we needed to explain further what types of restrictions may be required within the zones.    Kim reported that his research showed only that the current Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) was dedicated to establishing the geographic areas and other than the restrictions to approaching cruise ships and the Tesoro SPM, the only additional language stipulated that entry was authorized only by contacting the Captain of The Port and gaining permission.   This currently was not being enforced and, as we have discussed previously, would be difficult to enforce in neighbor island locations such as Hilo or Port Allen.   Kim gave the draft poster to Susan Harper to take to the USCG for review.

·          Harbor Entry During Emergencies

Brad reported that no progress on this issue has been made to date, but that he will try to move this forward this month.   It was pointed out that Matson and CSX have moved to issue jointly recognized ID cards to stevedores that work with both companies.    This was viewed as a significant effort.     Harbor ID’s were discussed.   It was pointed out that the Transportation Security Act was passed by Congress and that Harbor ID’s will be mandatory soon.

·            Kawaihae Harbor Safety

            No progress yet.   We are waiting on information and a sketch before issuing a letter.   Current thinking is to send a letter to both the State Harbors Division and DLNR urging that the Kawaihae DLNR small boat harbor site work be expedited.

AGENDA Item #9  –   Fifth Annual Harbor Safety Committee Conference

Robin announced that the fifth annual Harbor Safety Committee Conference has been scheduled for April 6th – 9th, 2003.   Brad moved that the committee sponsor Robin to attend.    He went last year and found it to be very beneficial.  Robin is available.   Discussion followed and it was generally approved to send Robin.    He will check on the cost.

AGENDA Item #10  –  USCG Marine Investigation Open Letter and Brochure

Robin received a letter from the USCG which generally describes the USCG’s policies related to accident investigations.    He will distribute this to anyone interested.

AGENDA Item #11  –  Homeland Security

Captain Skuby was excused and there was nothing further on this subject.


The next meetings are as follows:

·          Next Board Meeting                      December 12th, 2002

·          Next Membership Meeting            December 19th, 2002  Annual Party

The meeting was adjourned at 1615.