Advisory Board Meeting
December 12, 2019
Waikiki Yacht Club

Michael MacDonald, Ethan Creps, Gabe Nelson, Neil Kanemoto, Tom Collins, Tammie Smith, and Nic Jarboe were in attendance.

1. Call to Order 4:15 pm. The meeting was called to order by Michael MacDonald.

2. Treasurer’s Report: Neil Kanemoto was introduced as the new HOST treasurer.

3. New Business: A vote will be held at the next HOST Advisory Board where a quorum is present on the frequency of HOST meetings.

4. Old Business: The year was briefly reviewed.

5. USCG Concerns: none.

6. State of Hawaii Concerns: none.

7. Announcements: none.

8. Next Meetings: Advisory Board Meeting: January 9, 2020, 2pm, DOBOR Conference Room.

9. Adjourn 4:30 pm. Christmas Party!