The meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm at the Hawaii Yacht Club.
Present: L. Alday; R. Beasley, R. Bond, S. Harper, B. Heidrich, M. Latham, Adm. J. McClelland, J. Morgan, B. Mossman, Capt. T. Rice, B. Rimell, Capt. T. Skuby, A. Walsten, C. Woolaway
The last meeting minutes were approved.
Treasurers Report: There is a balance of $1,798.32 in the account.
Combined Federal Campaign (is like the AUW for the Federal Government)
1. Telephone Number – need a permanent phone number for HOST because this is for a legal non-profit company; need accessibility to people for from 15-20 hours a week; The Combined Federal Campaign will be approached to tell them “our organization does not need a phone to operate – can a phone number on a web-site serve this purpose?” IF NOT:
a. Terry White at one time offered a phone # and a desk – can we use one of his lines; Chris will ask Terry and stress that we need a dedicated line
b. Verizon – $76. to install a line and then $51. a month for a landline; voice mail is $31. a month – takes messages and then press 1 and it rolls to whomever we designate; $5. more a month to get an 800 number
c. C&J Answering service is $89 a month
d. Verizon Wireless – $28 a month with a 2 yr commitment, free phone, 100 free monthly minutes
e. General consensus: “Hate to spend $400 to $500 a year on a phone”
2. Need an address – currently KEMS Electric; could be change to CIC
3. Annual Report – sent out several weeks ago and located on Web site
Membership Meeting: February 20
R. Bond reported that it was a good meeting and he heard some good comments.
Topics for next membership meeting to be held April 24
1. Humpback Whale Sanctuary will come and present summary of the season
2. R. Bond will make a presentation of his trip to the Annual Safety Conference
3. HOST SOP re: Dive boat charters
Needs to be relooked at (last looked at in ’97)
Reps will be from: Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, USCG, HOST
(Terry Rice volunteers to chair this sub comm. for HOST)
NOTE: There may be other SOP’s that need to be reviewed & updated ie. VHF
4. Lt. Grffiths – on Maritime licensing – would be happy to talk if we provide queries (per S. Harper)
5. Across the Board update on scuba diving regulations: State has made recent changes (per Mossman)
6. Pending HOST safety issues:
a. Education Program (use State mailing lists & get info out with their mailings and not at HOST expense)
i. IE. Safety zones, boating safety – notices can be sent with slip fee notices, posted at Harbors offices
ii. Julia Morgan volunteered to head this project & work with DBOR
b. Kawaihae Boat Harbor – no news
c. Harbor entry – per B. Rimell – moving along slowly but everyone is very positive
d. New security areas: per B. Mossman –
i. Questioned – out of state vessels arrive & dock wherever with no warning – how will this be addressed? Advance notice of arrivals? (currently only vessels of 300 gross tons+ need to give advance notice)
ii. “New security areas” letter – is ready to be signed and sent (re:
Federal Regulations Articles) Brief discussion on letter, debate & clarification.
e. Rules for sailboat races
Harbor Safety Committee Conference : April 6-9, 2003; R. Bond will attend
Homeland Security (per Capt. Skuby)
1. USCG is no longer under DOT but under “Homeland Security” as of 3/1/03
2. Reprioritizing assets to make security and safety #1
1. National Harbor Safety Committee Website – we have a link to them on our website – they now have a link to us
Question – are there other organizations that we want to link on our website? Consensus – not if we have to pay
2. EPIRBs – Mossman discussed new state bill requiring epirbs on all craft – will be up for a hearing soon – recommend we all support it; B. Mossman will write letter of support for R. Bond to sign (note – not applicable to kayaks, canoes, etc.)
3. Clean up of NW Hawaiian Islands – per C.Woolaway – to happen this year from April thru Sept., this is the last year of federal funding
4. Safe Boating Week – starts 5/17; Pier 35 will have an open house and equipment display
Next Board meeting: April 10, 2003 Note: R. Bond will not be in attendance. B. Rimell will chair.
Next membership meeting: April 24, 2003
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Beasley