Hawaii Yacht Club

1.         1500 (3:00 pm) Call to order – Introductions (Brad, Robin on the mainland) There was no quorum.

2.         Attendees:  Brad Rimell, Jeff Brennan, Arlen Walsten, Bob Heidrich, Bill Boland, CDR. George Butler, Susan Harper, Capt. Terry Rice Ret., and Chris Woolaway

3.         Last meeting minutes were not available.

4.         Treasurer’s Report:  HOST has $1,785.82 in the bank and have received donations from the Hawaii Pilots and Sause for $500 each.  We need to generate a request letter to Horizon Lines that includes our IRS designation.  Chris will do a draft for Robin to send out. 

5.         Combined Federal Campaign – Chris reported that the new HOST telephone number is (808) 842-5379, thanks to Horizon Lines for the assistance in providing a dedicated line for HOST. The question was asked when do we find out if HOST is included, Chris will find out.

6.         OMC Foundation Grant request – Chris reported that HOST has submitted a request for funds to create three 30 second PSAs on boating safety that will be shown on local TV over the next 5 years during Boating Safety Month. HOST should be contacted in September if funding is granted.

7.         April 24 Meeting Topics: Terry Rice gave a summary of the meeting on the revisions of the Diving SOP. There is a draft that will be discussed at the HIRSA meeting on April 22 with Terry providing an update to the General membership meeting on April 24. Bill Mossman will be asked to serve as HOST for the General membership meeting. The Humpback Whale Sanctuary will make a presentation on various issues involving whales and vessels.  There was a discussion on the speed of towboats traversing sanctuary boundaries. Robin Bond will give an update of the National Harbor Safety Conference that he is attending. It was suggested that the subject of hull fouling be put on the next General Membership Meeting schedule.

8.         Pending HOST Safety Issues:

A.                 DBOR – Boating Safety Education Program – Robin (nothing to report)

B.                Kawaihae Harbor Tug and Barge Safety  – Response from State DLNR – Chris

C.                Harbor Entry – :  Brad has talked to the some agencies but he will move ahead with a meeting and report the progress at the next advisory meeting. 

D.                Security Zones: The Coast Guard received three sets of  comments of which HOST was one.  Security Zones will be in place on April 19. There will be one phone number serving as the point of contact it will be a 1-800 number. Information will be posted on HIMIS.

9.         Homeland Security – CDR. Butler reported for Capt. Skuby who was on travel (Monterey).  CDR. Butler reported that the State’s Department of Public Safety has been assigned the responsibility of Sand Island and Honolulu Harbor when the Terror Alert color is Red.  Public Safety will set up a checkpoint just before the Sand Island Bridge.

10.    Other Business

A.           Brad mentioned a Sause Bros. fuel spill because of metal fatigue. 

B.           Jeff discussed the new process in place for Horizon vessels arriving in and out of international ports.

C.          The Transpac will be held in July. There needs to be a letter to the industry to give them a heads up on the schedule.

D.          May 17 is Safe Boating Week. There will be exhibits and demonstrations at Pier 35.

E.           Brad discussed the Pacific Coast Maritime Consortium grants for high
school students and the Sea Cadet Programs. MSC is a participant of the
program. One of the limitations of the program is that Hawaii has limited
job entry positions, however, there will be two more cruise ships that
will be hiring.


11.    Next Board Meetings: MAY 8, 2003

12.    Next Membership meeting: APRIL 24, 2003   (HCC Marine Education Center)

13.    Adjourned  4:30 pm.