Advisory Board Meeting
November 14, 2019
DLNR Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation Office

Michael MacDonald, Gabe Nelson, Neil Kanemoto, Mimi Cleary, Ed Underwood, Donovan
Duncan, Rich Davidson, Tom Collins, Tammie Smith, Ryan Hopkins, and LCDR Josh Williams.

1. Call to Order 2:03 pm. The meeting was called to order by Michael MacDonald.

2. Treasurer’s Report: none.

3. Dates for 2020 HOST Meetings. It was decided to hold Advisory Board Meetings monthly on the
second Thursday of the month and General Membership Meetings quarterly and as needed in
2020, with the first General Membership Meeting to be held in March.

4. Old Business:
a. Status of HOST Sub-Committees and SOP Clean Up Sub-Committee: An update will be
given as soon as the committee leader is able to break away from pressing operations.

5. New Business:
a. The HOST Treasurer seat is vacant; Mac solicited for volunteers to fill the position.
b. The HOST Christmas party will be held December 12th at the Waikiki Yacht Club. Email
invites to follow soon.

6. USCG Concerns:
a. LCDR Josh Williams (USCG) reported that the lights on several Aids to Navigation (AtoN)
across the state are extinguished due to a battery issue. The Aids to Navigation Team in
Honolulu is working to rectify the problem. If mariners notice extinguished AtoN, they
are encouraged to contact the CG command center at (808)842-2600 to make a report.
Tom Collins and Ryan Hopkins of the Hawaii Pilots Association reported issues seeing
the Hilo Harbor Rear Range Light, which may or may not have been due to foliage. The
CG will investigate the matter.
b. LCDR Williams urged HOST Members and the community at large to report vandalism to
AtoN to the command center.
c. Cutter WALNUT will be departing Honolulu in January and the state will be without a
buoy tender for approximately 1 year, although the WALNUT crew, Aids to Navigation
Team, and Coast Guard Divers will be able to respond to AtoN discrepancies as they
d. Ryan Hopkins asked the CG if it would be possible to synchronize the flashing of lights
on buoys in harbors across the State.

7. State of Hawaii Concerns:
a. Ed Underwood from the Department of Land and Natural Resources reported that
Maunalua Bay marker #1 is missing, and that a Notice to Mariners has been issued to
alert the public. A floating replacement aid will be placed on site as soon as possible.
b. Ed provided LCDR Williams the correct contact information for USCG personnel to use
when contacting DLNR regarding specific issues.
c. Mooring fees in State Harbors are increasing, leading some boaters to walk away from
vessels they can’t afford. Ed foresees a continuation and worsening of the problem of
derelict vessels in State Harbors. The State is in the process of impounding 25 boats. Ed
asked whether the CG should be contacted to handle hazardous waste removal from
these vessels; LCDR Williams informed him that the USCG can only respond to imminent
pollution threats.
d. Red Dolphin is to be scuttled.
e. Tammie Smith of the State Department of Health plans to present a new snorkel safety
brochure at the next meeting. Mac emphasized that any official guidance from Local,
State or Federal authorities supersedes any HOST SOPs, including the current one on
snorkel safety.
f. A Drowning Advisory Committee will be stood up by HOST. John Titchen of EMS Ocean
Safety will be asked to join a Sub-Committee with Ethan Creps and LCDR Williams.

8. Announcements:
a. Hawaii Pilots reported that parasail boats are encroaching into the Honolulu Harbor
Channel between the “H” buoy and “1” & “2”. LCDR Williams encouraged any mariners
who see this to take photos and call the command center.
b. A question was raised about the Coast Guard’s criteria for launching a search and rescue
case. LCDR Williams detailed that any credible report will be followed up, subject to the
SAR Mission Coordinator’s decision.

9. Next Meetings:
a. Advisory Board Meeting: December 12, 2019, 4pm, Waikiki Yacht Club. Followed by…
b. Christmas Party: December 12, 2014, 5-8pm, Waikiki Yacht Club.
c. Advisory Board Meeting: January 9, 2020, 2pm, DOBOR Conference Room.

10. Adjourn 3:00 pm.